Specialty Classes & Yoga Teacher Con. Ed.


4 -6pm

Session 1:  (Root Chakra)

Session2:  (Sacral Chakra)

Session 3: (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Session 4: (Heart Chakra)

Session 5: (Throat Chakra)

Session 6: (Third Eye Chakra)

Session 7: (Crown Chakra)

Imagine…. Walking into class, rolling out your mat, taking a seat and instantly feeling more grounded by the scents and sounds emanating in the room. You close your eyes and begin to practice the breath and mudra the teacher has given you upon arrival… Then, you hear the sound and vibration of a singing bowl… the vibration connects you to your internal world in a way you can’t explain. As you are guided to slowly begin to bring movement into the body, your connection and awareness shifts. And as the teacher guides you into more movement, your energy shifts yet again. This continues throughout class. By the end you feel energized, but with a sense of groundedness. You have a feeling of connectedness that is hard to explain. You walk out of class practically floating on air... welcome to CHAKRA AWAKENING.

Open to the Public
A little yoga experience is best for this class (at least 10 yoga classes). Registration is required (see below).

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers
This is a chakra immersion and more in-depth than most yoga teacher trainings offer. This course offers 14 CE contact hours with Yoga Alliance. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion to submit to Yoga Alliance. Registration is required (see below).

Location & Cost
Pre-registration required. $30 per session. SAVE $35 by signing-up for all seven sessions ($175). Payment registers you.

Please email or text if you would like to get a notification (we won't spam you!) of the next series. Click here to text  (518-9one2-4394). Click here to email (amber at radiantbeingyoga.com)


Attend in-person or via Zoom

The yamas and niyamas are yoga’s ethical guidelines laid out in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. They’re like a map written to guide you on your life’s journey. In this 17.5 hour deep dive into these principles, master teacher Amber LaPointe will lead the class through each principle, its various definitions, and have in-depth discussions to help deepen the understanding of each principle and the different ways we can use these guidelines in our daily lives to live richer, fuller, happier, more meaningful lives. Students will be given optional homework* to practice applying the principles in their daily lives. Read more about the Yamas & Niyamas below.

This course is taught by master teacher Amber LaPointe who has been teaching these principles to her students for over 15 years.

Open to the Public
Anyone who is interested in yogic philosophy and the ten tenets of yoga is welcome to attend. Registration is required (see below).

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers
This course offers 20 CE contact hours with Yoga Alliance. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion to submit to Yoga Alliance. *Homework is not optional for those wishing to receive CE credits. Registration is required (see below).

Location & Cost
This class will be held at Yana Yoga in Malta, NY. You may also attend via Zoom. $175 in-person, $150 via Zoom.

Please email or text if you would like to get a notification (we won't spam you!) of the next series. Click here to text  (518-9one2-4394). Click here to email (amber at radiantbeingyoga.com)

What are the Yamas & Niyamas?
The Yamas & Niyamas are 10 yogic principles to help guide yoga practitioners on their journey through life. They are the first two limbs of Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana (postures), Pranayama (life-force energy control/breath control), Pratyahara (withdrawal from the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (the state of meditation), and Samadhi (connection with the Universal Flow).


The Yamas are personal practices which relate to our interactions with others and the world around us. There are five Yamas:


The Niyamas teach us how to relate to ourselves and Spirit/the Divine. There are also five:



Embark on a Transformative Journey with Yin Yoga Training Level 1


We invite you to join our upcoming Yin Yoga Training Level 1, an exclusive workshop meticulously designed for yoga enthusiasts who have successfully completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) and are eager to delve deeper into the art of Yin Yoga.


Key Features


1. Yin Yoga Immersion: Immerse yourself in the profound practice of Yin Yoga, where you'll explore extended, passive poses targeting the deep connective tissues of the body. Understand the principles behind Yin Yoga and uncover its therapeutic benefits for both physical and mental well-being.


2. Advanced Teaching Techniques: Elevate your teaching skills by delving into the intricacies of guiding a Yin Yoga class. Learn how to thoughtfully sequence poses, effectively use props, and create a nurturing space for your students.


3. Anatomy and Energy Flow: Gain in-depth insights into the anatomy of Yin Yoga poses and the subtle energy channels they stimulate. Understand the physiological and energetic aspects of each posture to enhance both your teaching and personal practice.


4. Yoga Alliance CE Credits: Earn 6 Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance, providing a valuable opportunity to enhance your professional credentials. This workshop is a commitment to your ongoing education and growth as a yoga instructor.



Completion of a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training is required to ensure a foundational understanding of yoga principles.

Contact Ellen if you are interested in her next training. Click here to text/call Ellen (518-3six9-2893) Click here to email Ellen (ellen at radiantbeingyoga.com).

email us to be notified of upcoming programs.